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For Contributors

Thanks for your interest in contributing to Cyd! The source code and issue tracker are hosted on GitHub.

Code of Conduct

All members of the Cyd community must agree to comply with our Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.

Contributor Covenant

  • Lockdown Systems LLC owns the copyright for Cyd.
  • Cyd is released under the GNU General Public License v3 license.
  • By contributing code to the project, you have agreed to the version of our Contributor License Agreement that was in the main branch of the lockdown-systems/cyd GitHub repository at the time of your contribution.

Bugs and feature requests

After reviewing existing open issues, you can report new issues on GitHub.

Security issues

If you found a security bug, email [email protected] instead of reporting it on GitHub.

Writing code

If you'd like to contribute code to Cyd, check out Developing Cyd for instructions on setting up a local development environment.

When you're ready to contribute code, open a pull request in the GitHub repository and one of the project maintainers will review it and possibly ask questions, request changes, reject it, or merge it into the project.